Since you did click, please read:

The US government is spending about $1 trillion annually on violence. They call it "defense spending" but I didn't see a lot of "defense" going on when my friends were plucked out of high school and college and dropped in Iraq to fight in the desert. And my father didn't see a lot of "defense" going on on his plane ride over to Vietnam.

So I'm going to call it violence spending. Spending to warp the minds of our youth, to twist them and make them violent. Maybe that's part of the reason more than 30,000 people die each year in America from gun violence and another 65,000 suffer gun shot related injuries. That's a number that doesn't include members of the US armed forces killed over seas or the men, women and children killed by the U.S. armed forces each year.

As an American, there's one word for what I feel:


You see, I'm a patriot. I believe America can be great and I want to make it great. I also feel responsible when it's not at its best.

That's why I'm calling on the U.S. government to take twice what it spends on violence and spend it on peace. I'm challenging the U.S. government to take peace seriously and spend $2 trillion each year on solving conflicts and finding non violent ways to work out differences around the world. I'm asking the United States of America to say that it is twice as serious about peace as it is about violence and I'm asking America to put its money where its mouth is.

But I need a lot of help to get this accomplished. I need your help.

  1. Read a title & support peaceful entertainment to help yourself think peaceful thoughts.
  2. Spread the word, link to us, tell a friend.
  3. Donate $1 if you're not rich. That's all I ask, $1 from you and I can get $2 trillion from the U.S. government toward peace.
  4. If you are rich, give more. Give $1000 if you're rich. Give $1,000,000 if you're rich. But if you're not rich, just give $1.

The money will go to spreading awareness for peaceful education, peaceful entertainment & persuading the government to support peace.

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"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

- Winston Churchill